Saturday, November 11, 2017

The story behind my left knee

There's a spot on my skin right above my right knee that itches and burns so bad that I want to dig into my skin. No matter how much I scratch it, or put cool rags on it or whatever I can think to sooth it,  it still continues to itch. But there's nothing there. Doctors cannot find anything wring with it. Well... technically there are nerves there. I have a disease of the central nervous system so anything goes, right?
  It's common for people with MS to experience strange sensations (also known as dysesthesias). Itching is one potential sensory disturbance of MS. It's different from allergic itching because it's not accompanied by a rash or skin irritation. If itching is mild, no treatment is necessary. It also hurts,
  Mine is more than mild, but I choose not to medicate with pharmacy meds for this. I just try not to scratch as much (i rub instead). And I make sure the area is clean, and I pray alot. I have a plan.
  Medical marijuana has been shown to ease the symptoms for those who suffer with neuropathic pain.  Neuropathic pain is a specific type of pain that has usually resulted from irritation or damage to a nerve. Some of these strains are Chem Dawg, Super Silver Haze, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze,  and AK47 (there are others as well).
  See, things can be treated naturally if you have the money to be able to either grow it or purchase it. It's one's choice on how they choose to medicate. We don't always have to go with what a doctor prescribes if something natural and organic can do the same justice. I live in a state where I can grow six plants or more so I'd like to grow one of these strains if possible. I've tried some of these strains and they do help.

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