
Monday, January 29, 2018

Plans to Detox

I'm on prescription pills.  My husband and I counted them last night and including all dosages I take 10 pills per day.  It saddens me.  But I remember a time when I took way more, so I suppose in the world of meds for Multiple Sclerosis patients, I'm blessed.

I'm thinking of coming off of the meds again.  So far even with the dmd I take (disease modifying drug), I have had problems with MS such as the awful Trigeminal neuralgia and the Head Pains and the Tingling.  And though I haven't had any major mental issues,I'd like to see what the world feels like unmediated.  I've been given tools to use to get better, so I'd like to see just how good they are working for me.

I have a therapy appointment this week, and I'll be discussing it with them. I believe from time to time a detox is healthy if observed by doctors.  We'll see.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Tingling Tingles

I'm getting tingling. It started yesterday but went away. It's back now. I have no idea where the tingles come from but they are in my feet, my legs, my fingers and my lips. I'm glad they are not constant but I am a bit concerned.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Head Pain Gone

Maybe it wasn't Trigeminal Neuralgia (the head pain). I think it came from my pony tail being pulled too tightly. I've been letting my hair out lately and it took some time, but it's not hurting anymore. I'm so glad.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Pain is back in the interim

This head pain has come back.  Head massage helps but it comes and goes still.  I hope it's gone by March when I see my neurologist again.

A friend asked what I do to rid the pain.  Since the head massage is only temporary, I really don't know how to answer that question. I'm still trying to figure it the solution. I hope I find more permanent relief. Trigeminal Neuralgia and overall head pain is no joke.

Pain is gone after neck massage

So...Lord knows I've been suffering but low and behold the Carbamazepine and neck massage has my pain gone.

When I went to the doctor she suggested massage. I didn't think it would work but it did. She said the muscles near that nerve were very tense and massage would help. I put myself on a relaxation regime with zen music and I also tried a hot shower. Any relief of pain is welcomed by me. Yes!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Dr. Agrees its Trigeminal Neuralgia

I went to one of my doctor's today and she agreed that the stabbing pain in my head is caused by the Trigeminal Neuralgia I've been dealing with since November 10th 2017.
Trigeminal Neuralgia is really getting on my nerves... literally. Now that I know what it is definitely, I'm going to monitor if Carbamazepine is helping any. On the way home I noticed that every bump in the road gave me the stabbing pains. Doc says I need to massage the base of my head and my neck to get some of the tension out because I must have jerked my head in the wrong way to cause it to flare up again (which is true).
I have had no headaches so that's good, just the periodic stabbing/shooting pain. I'm glad that a lot of doctors know about Trigeminal Neuralgia or at least have heard of it.

UPDATE 1-30-18 It wasn't Trigeminal Neuralgia,

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Stabbing head pain

All day I have had periodical periods of time when I have this stabbing pain in my head. The pain is in the top and back of my head. It seems to hurt moreso when I'm sitting or standing up. Right now I have just taken a Carbamazepine and am laying down listening to soothing zen music.

Music is very therapeutic. Though I'd rather be watching videos (another one of my therapies), I'm glad to have a rest from pain.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Latest MRI explanation; right sided

  My latest MRI showed evidence of a prior lesion in the area of my brain that is consistent with my right hand issue I had Summer of 2017( ). It's amazing to me how the brain functions even with the flaws in mine as well as equipment used to scan it. I'm humbled.

The MRI scan did not see evidence of the Trigeminal Neuralgia though, so perhaps that was a one time thing. Initially I thought that condition was due to a medication but now I've been assured that it's just a part of having MS.