
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Recipe: Avocado and Onion Egg White Omelet

Original Recipe Yield One Omelet
  • 3 large egg whites
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/2 medium white onion, sliced or diced
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste
  1. Put 2 tablespoons olive oil and onions into pan or skillet over medium heat. Cook onions for a few minutes.
  2. Pour egg whites into skillet and continue cooking until egg is fully cooked.
  3. Add avocado to half of egg. Flip the other half of the egg over the top to make the omelet.
  4. Remove from heat and enjoy!
For a spicy omelet, add 1/2 fresh jalapeno or 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes.
Photo Credit:

Monday, December 2, 2013

It takes a Village

 Last night, after speaking with my husband about my daughter, I had a chance to talk to my daughter's father face to face.   We discussed her progress in school, and in general.  Despite my fears and insecurities, we are all on the same page in wanting her to be happy and successful in school I called my aunt Jackie today to tell her about the issue with my daughter and my MS today to get final assurance that I'm making the right decision towards my daughter.  
 Last night, after I wrote in my blog about my fears.  But those are just fears.  Fear is the enemy.  EVERYONE wants what's best for my daughter, so it may be a good decision to allow her to live with her biological father for a while.  He'll never take custody from me because I'm a good mom..  I have MS.  It gives me limitations sometimes and perhaps a little break will help me (and her) in the long run.  We've decided on NOT making two homes for our daughter (there and here).  With two homes, she could live with both of us but will lack stability. Since she needs a little more assistance with her school work, he is just really too busy with his own life to be able to truly is and he is not sensitive towards her disability which is ADHD.   
   so we decided just to bring in additional family in house to assist. With this new door that has opened up, I think it's the closing of the door of me having no control over a lot of things in my life.  It's been a long journey, and I'd especially like to see how much I can begin to save and invest into the future. Being disabled, I always worry about my limited resources.  I used to think that if I could let others take care of things for me, I could relax and not have to worry about them.  But I'm finding that the more I give control away, the more I lose.  I don't want to lose anything else.  I don't want to lose anymore. 
  With this new change in my life, which should begin later this month of December 2013, I am thinking about all of the other things in my life that will change and that can change.  Certainly, I will have time to reflect and perhaps write more.  I really want to write a few children books, etc.  I also have a lot of ideas about what to do with ON THE RISE MAG, an ongoing community service  (you may as well say) that I provide.  On a personal note, I am starting a new money saving / money gaining goal.  I've done this before and I want to do it again, just to see how much I can earn/save.  I'd like to do more things and to have more things and to provide more things, so this is the way to go.  There is so much more I want to do, as well.  It's not that being a mommy has held me back...but just the opposite.  Being a wife and mother is motivating me to do more, and that starts with making sure I'm healthy, happy, and at peace.
  I've got roughly three weeks before my life takes on a this new change.  I hope to spend as much time with my daughter as possible. She and I are so cute...we cry a lot because when we thought she was going to have to leave really didn't know how to cope with that because we've never been apart before. It's only would have been for a semester, but it seems like a lifetime, lol.  But, she's a daddy's girl just like I if he can learn to appreciate that more and maybe he'll be able to appreciate the fact that I know what she needs and I only want the best for her and the best for her Is to remain with me :)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

When One Door Closes (throwback post)

Recap: what i was feeling minths ago...When one door opens......  I've always loved this saying.  It reminds me that it's not the end of the story; just the beginning of a new chapter. This year a lot of doors seemed to close.  Close friends and family turned their backs on us, but so many more reached out and pulled us closer.  The year is almost over, and though I'm sure a tad bit more "closures" will occur, I'm thrilled at the possibilities of things to come.
  I feel as though I'm coming out of my relapse.  Last night was a hard night because I was incredibly sore and had a bad case of insomnia.  
  I'd been nervous about my daughter's arrival home today. Her father expressed some concerns regarding her happiness....and I'm a bit torn. It's hard co-parenting with someone outside of your home, and even harder when there is a "microscope" capturing your every move.  My daughter has been falling behind in school and so I've restricted her "fun", but somehow she's turned it around to seem that she's being treated unfairly.  It doesn't help that she's falling behind in school, because some kind of way I think I'll be blamed for that, too.  Parenthood is challenging, anyway, but parenting with MS is moreso.  I'm thankful that I have a support system at home (husband, older children, relatives)...but I'm finding that I'm falling behind because I probably need some female assistance, too.  This is the first year I've not had assistance from a female friend/relative to assist with the day to day tasks that I face in caring for my home and children, but I believe that will change soon.  We need another woman's touch.  :) The men just don't seem to understand, lol...and my daughter is eleven (and I'm forty), so they are having to deal with two different ends of the spectrum when it comes to the women in the house.  
  I've had a lot of pushback about me homeschooling my daughter, but I really want a chance to do more one on one with her.  I pray that I will be able to at least try. I've been considering some different online options, and I'm in the process of researching them.  It's harder to assist my daughter (who has ADHD) with her current school work because she doesn't bring all her assignments home. She leaves things behind in her locker or a classroom (the latest left behind is her bookbag WITH her glasses in it). When she brings assignments home, she has either written them down wrong, or not at all, OR she just makes up a different assignment.  I am in a network with other ADHD children, and this is very common.  I'm not really supported by her other side of the family when it comes to her ADHD. It's something that is brushed off.  "She just needs her behind whipped", they tell me...but I don't spank her.  I try to understand.  I try to deal with her constant shenanigans (she always leaves class to go to the nurse's office, or finds some other excuse to not be in class).  She's not really understanding what is being taught because she does not like the environment there, and says she needs more one on one instruction.  The only way I see that happening is if she's I pray one door will open regarding that. 
  For a mother with MS raising children, I'm always concerned with my children's well being.  I can honestly say that despite my disease, I am the best parent for the job.  I have to grow stronger because I am committed to parenthood to the fullest degree.  MS patients can achieve anything with the right support team, so I'm strengthening my team in numbers. One of my biggest fears has always been that if my children were removed from my care, they wouldn't be protected like I can protect them.  My son's father, years ago, used to always try to take the boys so that he wouldn't have to pay child support.  However he was never really stable enough to care for them, so I fought long and hard and won the right to care for my boys.  Now I am going through that same type of anxiety, but this time it's just beginning and I'm not sure where it will lead.  My MS has progressed and so I can't take on a lot of outside stress, and my fears are that any kind of custody fight would cause me to relapse, win or lose.  Normally any kind of confrontation or struggle/fight causes me to relapse. Sooo...everyone just keep me in your prayers that NOBODY tries to pull anything on me regarding my children.  I <3 them.  I'm sure another door will open up for me to have more support.  I'm certain of it.  
 #SupportMSAwareness and #ParentingWithMS