
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Years 2019 Resolutions

Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. It's New Year's Day 2019 and I'm so thankful to be alive today.  It's Tuesday, and I've been sick since last Saturday night. The herbal treatment I've been taking is working, so I'm hopeful to get out of this sickness having to only take Ibuprofen for the pain and fever, and treat myself organically with everything else .

This year I'm going to make efforts to write everyday, to be more visible on YouTube, fundraise more to fund my medical treatments, raise more awareness about Multiple Sclerosis and other chronic illnesses, and to become an overall better version of myself.

My chest feels heavy but the herbs are working their magic. Like Cardio said, "Knock me down nine times, I get up ten". I'm not giving up this fight for my life and I will not allow Big Pharma to give me medicine that will ultimately hurt me when GOD has provided natural herbs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, water, and essentially all that I need. This year I will obtain the massage therapy I need, too, and hopefully other holistic type treatments. This year, we will win.