
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Gone But Not Forgotten, my furry baby Oreo Baby RIP 2001-2014

in the grass
she plays and lays and smiles

Gone but not forgotten, my dear friend furry-baby, ‪#‎oreobaby‬ passed away peacefully Monday morning, November 24, 2014. She had labored breathing the previous evening and was given her last rites by a few family members including myself)...we wished her well, sweet thing. Precious soul. Too many times she stayed by my side. I'm gonna miss her. Her life spanned 2001-2014. I know I will see my precious Oreo Baby again  Rest In Peace, my darling.. Until we meet again.
She leaves behind ‪#‎spanky‬ and ‪#‎kochecooper‬ and a host of family members and friends. Burial scheduled today.

It was so hard, Monday Novermber24, 2014. My husband was about to leave the house and Oreo Baby was on at the bottom of the stairs, resting from what we thought.  The way she was laying, I kind of knew she was gone but didn't want to believe it.  I asked hubby (Jesus) was she gone, and he was speechless.  His eyes began to water, but he could not more.  I sort of poked at her lightly with my cane.  My baby had passed on.

She would have been 13 years old in December.She used to lay in the grass for hours.  
Missing her is hard, but I wouldn't have expected not to miss her.  A few days prior to this, I'd been experiencing vertigo.  Just a bit of dizziness and it was nerve wrecking.  On Friday Hubby and I walked about two miles and the next day, Vertigo.  The whole time, Oreo Baby was by my side, ensuring that I was okay and letting me know she was there for me.  But on Sunday night, she was looking strange.  She looked a bit worried, and so we kind of knew she was trying to hold on.  Frantically my 17 year old son was trying to call around to 24/hr vet advice lines..but I knew what they'd say; that she was old and it was probably her time and if we wanted they could put her down, etc.  Nothing that meant anything to me because we knew that when it was her time, she would be with family.  Who doesn't want that?  And so that's how it was.

Oreo Baby had diligently taken care of me since 2007.  My sister Shawn Lynn gave her to my son Christopher and I, and she's been my number one caretaker ever since then.  Not having her here feels so strange.  She gave the very best hugs in the whole world, and nobody can compare to her at all.  I told one of my MS support groups ( I have MS and I'm fabulous" ) and I received over 90 comments with condolences for her.  I appreciate the support more than anyone will ever know.  

I still have to take care of Spanky and Koche Cooper.  With limited funding, it's been hard but they are my therapy.  Please help me out if you can :) 

Monday, November 3, 2014

They MUST know about MS and Me

I'm still shocked when people dont know what MS is or anything about it. It was quite a shocking day when I got diagnosed in 2004 with RRMS...blew my mind. As people learn my story, they learn how important it is to be aware. Aware about MS. 

Aware that There are others out there that have it. 
Aware that my diagnosis doesn't mean I don't matter anymore. 
Aware that I'm strong, but I DO have a diagnosis so when I don't show up, chances are that's why. And so much more :)

Having survived the initial car ride on that day, which was a miracle in itself, I must now thank GOD for being there with me always. I'm so appreciative to have been able to be a good mother to my children. I'm thankful to have had assistance when I've needed it and to be able to serve GOD with clear understanding.

MS takes my strength and energy away more often than not. But, again, I'm thankful to have less worry and wear and tare do myself because I'm finding solutions that are working for us as a family.